Disability Policy

CCE is committed to developing a quality framework which is supportive of all disability groups. Any complaints of discrimination or harassment will be treated seriously, be fully investigated and may result in disciplinary action by CCE management.

The Policy needs to be read in conjunction with the Commonwealth College’s

  • Admission Statement
  • Student Handbook
  • Equal Opportunities Policy
  • Staff Recruitment Policy

This policy applies to the following:

  • All students, whether full-time; part-time; day release; attending short courses or link
    courses and all those in community settings
  • All visitors
  • All staff, whether full-time or part-time; in teaching or support roles and voluntary
    workers working in or for the CCE. Staffs on agreed leave of absence continue to be
    members of the CCE.

The following list indicates the kinds of acts which might occur in incidents of

  • Physical assault and abuse
  • Verbal threat and abuse
  • Unwelcome physical contact
  • Derogatory name-calling, insults, demeaning jokes
  • Offensive comments
  • Incitement of others to behave in an offensive or oppressive manner
  • Provocative behaviour, mimicry etc
  • Wearing of discriminatory logos, badges or insignia
  • Displaying or distributing products (e.g. leaflets or magazines) containing offensive
  • Attempts to recruit other users, staff or students to any form of discriminatory practice

The main legislation covering disability includes the following:

The Equal Pay Act (1970, amended 1983)

  • The Sex Discrimination Act (1975)
  • Special Education Needs Disability Act (SENDA 2001).
  • The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
  • The Human Rights Act (1998)
  • The Learning and Skills Act (2001)
  • Disability Discrimination Act Part 4 (September 2002) and any other associated parts.
  • Disability Equality Act (2010)

Any subsequent legislative changes or additions will be incorporated within this policy, normally
through the review process; date of all reviews will be identified on the CCE intranet in future.

  • All entrance qualifications for CCE courses will relate to standards laid down by the appropriate Awarding body to objective criteria relating to course content and outcomes.
  • All potential CCE students who meet the entrance qualifications will have equal access to the CCE curriculum. The CCE will not discriminate in providing access to opportunities and facilities related to their course of study.
  • All students will have equal access to general CCE facilities and to appropriate social or extra curriculum activities offered by the CCE.
  • Disabled students will be provided special examination arrangements, where necessary. These arrangements may include additional time in examinations, the use of readers or amanuenses and the provision of examinations in appropriate formats e.g. large print.

Date of next review: May, 2025

Visit Us
Head Office:

16-17 Grand Arcade, Industrial House, London, N12 0EH

Finchley Campus:

Unit 308a, Third Floor, Balfour House, 741 High Road, Finchley N12 0BP