Equality & Diversity Policy

The equal Opportunities policy of CCE is that in the recruitment, selection, education and
assessment of students and in the recruitment, selection, training, appraisal, development and
promotion of staff, the only consideration must be that the individual meets, or is likely to meet
the requirements of the programme or course or post.

The requirements being met, no student or employee will be discriminated against on the basis of
their sex, sexual orientation, race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality (within current legislation),
disability, marital status, caring or parental responsibilities, age, or beliefs on matters such as
religion and politics.

The College is committed to provide a learning, working and social environment in which the
rights and dignity of all its members are respected, and which is free from discrimination,
prejudice, intimidation and all forms of harassment including bullying.

This Policy means that all students and employees of CCE have the right to study or work in an
environment free from discrimination, prejudice and all forms of harassment or bullying.

CCE is committed to a programme of action to ensure that its policy is implemented and
monitored at an organizational and individual level. Factors such as sex, marital status, ethnic
origin, race, religion, colour, nationality, and disability should not be taken into account for the
purposes of:


Recruitment, appointment, training, appraisal, promotion, discipline etc.


Application to and acceptance on to a course of study, and assessment of academic performance.

Selection for a course of study or for a job should be made solely on merit. All queries, letters,
complaints on equal opportunities and diversity policies of the College should be addressed to:

Industrial House 16-17 Grand Arcade , North Finchley, London N12 0EH


This policy sets out why equal opportunities are important to CCE, the basic principles to be
followed are:

We define Equal Opportunities in two ways:

  • As the process by which we strive to ensure that everything we do is fully inclusive and so meets the needs of and is fair to those who are disadvantaged by prejudice and indifference;
  • As combating the injustice faced by some groups and individuals when, both directly and indirectly by organizations and society as a whole, prejudice is put into effect.


The Principal has overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy and is
accountable for it to the Management Committee. Directors are responsible for ensuring the
Equal Opportunities policy is implemented in all parts of the company, for ensuring staff
understand the policy and their roles within it, and for providing reports and monitoring

Everyone in CCE has a responsibility to ensure proper implementation of the policy.

Principles: CCE will uphold Equal Opportunities:

  • In employment, by developing policies which ensure that no job applicant, employee, volunteer or trainee is unfairly discriminated against because they are a refugee or asylum seeker or on the basis of their race, ethnic origin, culture, gender, sexuality, disability, age or religion;
  • In service delivery, by providing appropriate, sensitive and impartial services and being accessible to all Students
  • By fostering a co-operative working environment which is free from harassment or victimization and which promotes good relations
  • Among staff, to create the conditions for the full development of their potential
  • By promoting the values contained in the Policy in our relationships with other organizations.

In implementing these principles, CCE will ensure that it meets all the necessary legal requirements and, particularly as an umbrella organization, strives to set standards of good practice that others will follow.

Sexual Orientation

We want CCE to be a place where people of different sexual orientation including lesbians
and gays among our students and clients can feel it is safe and comfortable to be open about
their sexuality. We will challenge negative views and provide training so that there is a better
understanding of the issue amongst our students.

Disabled People

We will increase awareness in the organization about the needs of disabled students, users
and visitors. We will work to ensure our practices do not restrict use of our services or the
contribution people with disabilities can make to our work.

We will actively seek opportunities to improve access to our premises and services for people
who use mobility aids and who have sight and hearing restrictions.


As current legislation does not protect all members of society from discrimination, we ensure
that we do not unfairly discriminate in the recruitment of students or the provision of services
on grounds of age.

The statutory framework

This Policy sets out how CCE intends to meet its obligations under the following legislation:

  • The Race Relations Act;
  • The Sex Discrimination Act;
  • The Disability Discrimination Act.
  • The Equal Pay Act
  • The Human Rights Act

Date of next review: May, 2025

Visit Us
Head Office:

16-17 Grand Arcade, Industrial House, London, N12 0EH

Finchley Campus:

Unit 308a, Third Floor, Balfour House, 741 High Road, Finchley N12 0BP