Student Monitoring Policy

All the students will be continuously monitored through the Individual Learning Plan.
Students will be assessed during each semester and an action plan will be given to each student with a target date.
There will also be assessment at the end of the course.
There will follow up of the Action plan and any student who does not fail to achieve the progress detailed in the action plan will be supported on one to one basis.
All efforts will be made to ensure that each student achieves a satisfactory progress. If there is continuous decline in progress the student will be asked to make alternative arrangement for his/her studies.
Good students will be encouraged and will be congratulated for their outcome.
High achievers may receive scholarship or discount in their fees.

Date of next review: May, 2025

Visit Us
Head Office:

16-17 Grand Arcade, Industrial House, London, N12 0EH

Finchley Campus:

Unit 308a, Third Floor, Balfour House, 741 High Road, Finchley N12 0BP