Pastoral Support


Commonwealth College provide pastoral support for their students that can take a variety of forms e.g. departmental or college tutors, departmental/college secretaries, etc. (for the purposes of these guidelines referred to generically as ‘tutors’). Tutors provide an avenue to which a student can turn from some friendly, informal advice often before, or instead of, approaching official support or counselling services. The nature and degree of interaction between tutors and students undoubtedly varies widely between and within different institutions and between individual students and tutors. Many students may never feel a need to approach a tutor for pastoral support.

The most common role of tutors is to provide advice and support when a student is experiencing academic, disciplinary or personal problems. This may include liaising with a student’s department regarding illness, or assisting with academic appeals or disciplinary procedures etc. This will often involve contact with other staff within the college.

It be envisaged that personal data may often be processed by tutors and this may occasionally include the processing of sensitive personal data, e.g. data relating to the physical or mental health of a student. In cases where each student is assigned to a specific tutor for support purposes, then it is likely that such tutors will hold some sort of file records about their tutees.

Items of particular relevance from the 1998 Data Protection Act

Schedule 1 Principle 1. Fair & Lawful Processing

Schedule 3. Conditions for the processing of sensitive data

Key Issues

  1. If tutors are given personal data relating to specific tutees, for example in the form of a file card, students should be informed of this disclosure at first registration.
  2. Tutors are advised that any files kept relating to their tutees should be reviewed regularly (at least annually) and information that is no longer relevant confidentially destroyed. It is advised that pastoral support files should not be kept following a tutee’s graduation. Tutors should not hold archives of all material relating to current and past tutees , as this could be regarded as irrelevant, excessive data processing contrary to Principles 3 & 4 of the Act
  3. Where files are kept for the purpose of managing/delivering support, they should be kept securely (e.g. in locked filing cabinets). 
  4. Tutors should be aware that students have a right to access their personal data (see Subject Access guidelines). Inappropriate or ‘subjective’ comments retained in files should therefore be avoided. In cases where information is disclosed/received tutors should, where appropriate inform other parties of this requirement. 
  5. Where sensitive data is processed the student should be informed of to whom this sensitive data may be disclosed and give their explicit consent for this and for any records kept by the tutor.  Where possible it is advised that any communications of sensitive data with other staff members should be reviewed with the student prior to disclosure.

N.B. If sensitive data is disclosed without written consent being obtained the tutor should always make a note of this disclosure and the circumstances preventing written consent.

If the only data processed is ‘non-sensitive’ explicit consent is not required if this purpose has been notified to student at registration. Students should be informed, however, as to how such data will be processed (in addition to the generic statement provided at registration).

  1. Sensitive data should not be disclosed via email unless an encryption system is used. Such communications should ideally be hand-delivered or sent by registered post.
  2. In exceptional circumstances, sensitive personal data may be disclosed without the consent of the tutee. This would include circumstances where the tutor believes that the student or a 3rd party is in danger of serious harm. 

NB The consent of the student should not be sought where it is thought that informing the client of the disclosure would increase the level of risk to the client or 3rd party. 

The Student Support Services at CCE are here to assist you by offering advice and guidance in any area of your studies where you might be experiencing difficulties or need support.

We are here to offer friendly constructive information, advice and guidance to help you enjoy learning, stay on course and reach your potential during your time at the college and in the future.

Our students are treated with respect, dignity, fairness and equality, no matter what their race, disability, health matters, personal issues, sexual orientation or religious belief.

We are here to offer friendly constructive information, advice and guidance to help you enjoy learning, stay on course and reach your potential during your time at college and in the future.

Our students are treated with respect, dignity, fairness and equality, irrespective of race, creed, disability, health matters, personal issues, sexual orientation or religious belief.

Visit Us
Head Office:

16-17 Grand Arcade, Industrial House, London, N12 0EH

Finchley Campus:

Unit 308a, Third Floor, Balfour House, 741 High Road, Finchley N12 0BP