Student Protection Plan 2023/24

Provider’s name: Commonwealth College of Excellence

Provider’s UKPRN: 10020038

Legal Address: Kemp House, 152, City Road, London EC1V 2NX

Contact point for enquiries about this Student Protection Plan: Mr Abdul M Khan.

Tel : 07951285788

  1. Background
    • Commonwealth College of Excellence(CCE) is relatively a small college and currently has no higher education students. CCE has delivered further education courses in the past but at the moment there are no students studying in the college. We intend to recruit first cohort of higher education students in the year 2022.
    • However, we are determined to have in place policies and procedures which will ensure that as an Equal Opportunity college we will provide access to all the communities and would like to give preference to disadvantaged students so that they can progress in line with their potential.
    • CCE aim is that all students, from all backgrounds, with the ability and desire to undertake higher education will be supported to access, succeed in, and progress from higher education.
    • Process involved in ensuring that students will have access to College’s Student Protection Plan:
      • The student protection plan will be communicated to the current and the future students through CCE-SPP Publication on the College website.
      • Student Representatives will be trained on the CCE-SPP and their views will be annually sought in the Teaching and Learning Committee.
      • Students can seek advice or enquire from relevant staff trained on Student Protection Plan. The College will ensure the staffs and the lecturers are aware and are provided with the relevant training.
      • The College will communicate the CCE-SPP to the student representative(s) and in turn the student representative will inform other students in students’ meetings.
      • The College will be committed to offer advice and support regarding any proposed changes of the CCE-SPP, trigger student protection plans or the measures within them. CCE will notify the students of any changes which may affect their studies in a timely manner.
      • Should the student protection plan need to be triggered, students will be notified by the Principal, A M Khan –
      • The college will commit to contact students at least three months prior to the intended dates of course change or closure.
      • Advice and support will be offered in the first instance by the Academic AdvisorGarry Middleton.
  2. The college will ensure that the terms and conditions are fair and transparent by:
    • Publishing it on the website.
    • Allowing the students, the right to review and propose changes.
    • Any proposed changes by the students and the college will be submitted to the Teaching and Learning Committee for discussion. The student representative will be an important member of the committee.
    • Recommendation on the changes will be submitted to the Management Committee who will have the ultimate responsibility.
  3. Risk Assessment
    • An assessment of the range of risks to the continuation of study for our students.
      • CCE will recruit very small number of students in the first three years.
      • The college has one campus only.
      • The college will not be delivering specialised programmes.
      • Risk of delivery of material components of our courses namely, HND and DET is low because we will design our delivery plan of the courses in such a way that they are taught by integrated team of academic staff.
    • How these risks differ based on our students’ needs, characteristics and circumstances, and the likelihood that these risks will crystallise.
      • The risk that Provider is unable to operate is very low because our financial performance as given in Financial Table and Financial Commentary clearly show:
        • Very sound Liquidity and Profitability position.
        • Continuous and Sustainable Progress.
        • Enough reserves to meet the contingency
      • We have business continuity plan to deal with unexpected occurrence of events.
      • We operate from one site only thus there will be no multi – site problems.
  4. The following are the various scenarios by which the risks have been assessed.
    • If CCE as a whole is no longer able to operate, or has decided to cease operating:
    • If CCE has lost validation(s) for one or more of its courses that are being delivered:
    • In the event that prior to the student commencing the first term of study, CCE discontinues the programme.
    • If the student chooses to cancel the Contract and withdraws from the course in accordance with this Clause.
    • If CCE has lost Tier 4 Licence.
    • If CCE has lost the location at which the courses are being delivered and are not available to the students
      • CCE as a whole is no longer able to operate, or has decided to cease operating:
        • CCE will immediately announce this to the student representative via its email address and will post relevant details on the website.
        • CCE will immediately announce this to the student representative via its email address and will post relevant details on the website.
        • All students will be contacted within three working days of the day of which the applicable change was notified or decided.
        • CCE will call urgent meetings with the awarding bodies with the aim of finding another provider for the students to continue their studies.
        • CCE will also undertake commitment to work with all concerned students(individually) and will assist them to find another provider.
        • Where applicable, CCE will pay refund to the funding organization, or directly to the students if self-payer, or to the student sponsor, so that students do not face any financial difficulty.
        • If applicable, CCE will undertake the commitment to provide reasonable maintenance costs including lost time (if relevant) and travelling expenses for the remainder of the academic year for additional costs if it is necessary for students to travel to the location of the new provider which is more than two miles of the geographical area of CCE’s campus.
        • It is highly unlikely the college will be unable to operate for financial reasons: Strong financial performance is evidenced in the year 2018/19 and forecasts for subsequent five years with a strong balance sheet.
        • The financial table clearly shows that the directors will not be drawing any salaries or dividends and all the profits earned will be accumulated as reserves which can be used for contingency purposes.
        • The CEO of CCE is a qualified Chartered Management Accountant and has over twenty years’ experience in the financial management of educational and other institutions.
        • CCE has a flexible overhead costs structure and these costs can be reduced within a short time.
        • The directors and senior managers of the College have committed to work voluntarily should there be any likelihood of impending liquidity pressure. This was discussed in a meeting with the present managers who have agreed to this strategy. This clause will not be applicable for the senior managers who are not currently employed.
        • Keeping the above in view the risk associated with this scenario (on a scale of low, medium, high) is very low.
      • If CCE has lost validation(s) for one or more of its courses that are being delivered: deregistration or suspension of registration (where suspensions put continuity of study at risk) or loss of partnership/accreditation with our awarding bodies/organisations.
        • CCE will immediately announce this to the student representative via its email address and will post relevant details on the website.
        • CCE will set in motion immediately student consultation and representation by calling for urgent meetings
        • All students will be contacted within three working days of the day of which the applicable change was notified or decided.
        • CCE will immediately discuss and agree with the institution that has revoked the particular validation a time – table so that the college ‘teaches out’ students to the originally stated time scale(s)s before the end of course in CCE
        • CCE will also agree with the institution that has revoked the particular validation, an orderly time – table for closure so that there is minimum disruption to the students.
        • CCE will work immediately with the institutions that have revoked the particular validation to find another suitable provider for the students to continue their studies
        • CCE will also undertake commitment to work with all concerned students (individually) and will assist them to find another provider.
        • Should CCE is unable to find a suitable provider it will pay refund to the funding organizations, or directly to the students if self-payer, or to the student sponsor, so that students do not face any financial difficulty.
        • Where applicable CCE will undertake the commitment to provide reasonable maintenance costs including lost time (if relevant) and travelling expenses for the remainder of the academic year for additional costs if it is necessary for students to travel to the location of the new provider which is more than two miles of the geographical area of CCE’s campus.
        • The risk that CCE decides to discontinue specific course or a specific discipline is highly unlikely as the College is committed to run or teach out all the courses which have enrolled students
        • Whenever possible, CCE will make arrangements to ‘teach out’ current students where we have voluntarily decided to leave the market or close a course. This means that we commit to ensuring the course of study can be completed by all currently enrolled students, even though the course is being discontinued and we will not be taking on new student cohorts.
        • CCE reserves the right to make variations to programme contents, entry requirements and methods of delivery, and to discontinue, merge or combine programmes both before and after a student’s admission to the College, if such action is reasonably considered necessary by the College.
        • CCE’s awarding bodies will be visiting to conduct audits of CCE regularly and any issues identified will be addressed immediately to the satisfaction of the awarding body.
        • Keeping the above in view the risk associated with this scenario (on a scale of low, medium, high) is low.
      • In the event that, prior to the student commencing the first term of study, CCE discontinues the programme.
      • CCE will use all reasonable efforts to deliver all courses described in the prospectus. However, if there are not enough enrolments to make a course or module viable, the College may be forced to cancel the course or module. If the student has received an offer for any course described in the prospectus, which the College discontinues prior to student registering at the College, CCE will notify the student as soon as possible and will use reasonable efforts to provide a suitable replacement course for which student are qualified. If the student is unhappy with the replacement course provided by the College or if the College is unable to provide a suitable replacement course, the student may cancel the Contract and withdraw from the course without any liability for course fees.
      • Course changes / withdrawal after registration: Once the student has registered, the College will use all reasonable efforts to deliver the course as per the terms of the Contract, but:
      • If for reasons outside of the CCE’s control it is forced to discontinue the course, the College will notify student as soon as possible and use reasonable efforts to transfer the students to a suitable replacement course for which they are qualified.
      • If the student is unhappy with the replacement course provided by the College or if the College is unable to provide a suitable replacement course, then the student may cancel the Contract and withdraw from the course without incurring any further liability for course fees and he/she shall be entitled to a refund of all course fees paid to date.
      • The student may be transferred to such other course (if any) as may be offered by CCE which the student is qualified. It will be subject to principal’s approval.
      • If the student withdraws from CCE without any liability for fees. In these circumstances the student wishes to withdraw from CCE and to enroll in a course at a different College, CCE shall use its reasonable efforts to assist the student.
      • Work with students on any planned closures, significant changes or other events which will affect students
      • CCE will arrange for existing students to be provided with suitable alternatives if a course or discipline can no longer be offered.
      • CCE will provide necessary resources to support the student in finding a course at another provider.
      • In principle, the college will refund to a student (part-time or full-time) all the paid fees if it is established that the student has suffered due to the fault of college.
      • All efforts would be made that the process to determine the fault is transparent. Should this matter is not resolved, an independent person/organization (at the cost of the college and with consent of student) will be appointed to resolve this problem.
      • The student will be given will be given an equal opportunity to get outside advice on this matter if required.
      • CCE will consider all the above measures and we are sure that they will work. CCE is committed to take into consideration the needs of all our students, including those with mobility considerations or special educational requirements.
      • Keeping the above in view the risk associated with this scenario (on a scale of low, medium, high is low)
    • If the student chooses to cancel the Contract (and withdraw from the course) in accordance with this Clause.
      • CCE will use reasonable efforts to assist the student in finding an alternative comparable course with another Higher Education provider in the UK.
      • CCE will immediately announce this to the student representative via its email address.
      • CCE will set in motion immediately student consultation and representation by calling for urgent meetings.
      • In principle, the college will refund to a student (part-time or full-time) all the paid fees if it is established that the student has suffered due to the fault of college.
      • The risk associated with this scenario (on a scale of low, medium, high) is low. CCE does not intend to withdraw any of its published modes of study.
      • CCE will endeavour to remove any misunderstanding(s) and clarify any terms and conditions which may the reason to cancel the contract.
      • If the students intend to join another institution CCE will also undertake commitment to work with all concerned students (individually) and will assist them to find another provider.
      • If there is refund due, CCE will pay refund to the funding organization, or directly to the students if self-payer, or to the student sponsor, so that students do not face any financial difficulty.
      • If compensation is due, CCE will undertake the commitment to provide reasonable maintenance costs including lost time (if relevant) and travelling expenses for the remainder of the academic year for additional costs if it is necessary for students to travel to the location of the new provider which is more than two miles of the geographical area of CCE’s campus.
  5. If CCE has lost Tier 4 Licence.
    • (which would affect international students): The risk of our Students Sponsor licence being withdrawn is low because we will have small number of students. The college will have in place robust policies and procedures to recruit, and monitor attendance and engagement of international students. However, there is always a risk of losing the licence due to possible errors affecting full compliance.
    • In case where our Students Sponsor Licence is withdrawn, prospective international students who have made an application to study (but not yet started) will be contacted and assisted in securing a place at another HEI.
    • For students already studying with the college the UKVI generally gives a minimum of 60 days notice to students to find an alternative provider. However, the UKVI normally follows a process before they make a decision to revoke the licence (e.g. gives an opportunity to address their concerns or to challenge their decision and this can extend to many months). Students facing such as situation will be kept informed and consulted throughout this process.
    • Current sponsored students will be contacted within two working days of notification of UKVI’s decision, to advise whether they may continue under existing college’s sponsorship or are required to return to their home country to make a fresh visa application. In the latter case, on request and where regulations permit, the college will endeavour to transfer the student to an approved HEI with a Students Sponsor licence.
    • If the students intend to join another institution CCE will also undertake commitment to work with all concerned students (individually) and will assist them to find another provider.
    • If there is refund due, CCE will pay refund to the funding organization, or directly to the students if self-payer, or to the student sponsor, so that students do not face any financial difficulty.
    • Depending on the circumstances, the college will appeal the decision/make a new application for a Tier 4 license with a view to the restoration of this for the coming academic year.
  6. If CCE has lost the location at which the courses are being delivered and are not available to the students. The risk for losing the existing location is low because the landlord has recently refurbished the premises and there is no current development plan from the local authority that will affect the current premises
    • If the college does need to relocate for any reason, it will endeavour not to do so while teaching is underway for the academic year, and allow time to ensure students are engaged in the process. The college is committed to communicating any changes to students as early as possible, with clear information and options.
    • In situations where a student is affected by a change in location, their journey should not change significantly. Nevertheless, where students are materially disadvantaged by such a change, they may seek compensation by following the student complaints procedure.
    • Due to the Covid-19 pandemic there is a moderate risk that CCE could be required to close buildings and suspend face to face teaching or, that a lockdown in London may prohibit students from attending classes. CCE will have measures in place to ensure that teaching will continue in the event of a campus closure or lockdown in London. Where face to face teaching is suspended teaching and assessments will be delivered online, enabling students to complete their programme of study in the original timeframe.
    • If this scenario is due to expiry of lease a new lease one year before it expires will give time to incorporate any financial changes or to find alternative premises.

Measures in place to mitigate those risks that we consider to be reasonably likely to crystallise.

  1. Evidence statement of the measures we have put in place for continuation of studies for our students in those areas where we consider the risk to be increased.
  2. Provide compensation where necessary in the event we are no longer able to preserve continuation of study.
  3. Refunds for students who pay their own fees.
  4. Refunds for students whose tuition fees are paid by a sponsor.
  5. Compensation for maintenance costs and lost time where it is not possible to preserve continuation of study.
  6. Evidence statement how we will ensure that we can deliver the financial implications our refund and compensation policy.
  7. Cash reserves would be sufficient to provide refunds and compensation.
  8. We will make insurance arrangements to provide refunds and compensation and it will be in place for students before we start the recruitment. The cover will include situations like crystallisation of risks for payment of compensation and refunds to the students after the termination of their contracts.
  9. Refund and Compensation Policy – See CCE’s Student Handbook.

Information about how we will communicate with students about our protection plan.

  1. Provide statement about the arrangements we will put in place to communicate with affected students should our student protection plan is implemented.
  2. The student protection plan will be published in CCE’s website for the benefit of all stakeholder groups and to the applicants and future students. It will also be published in CCE’s VLE for the benefit of students and references toward the student protection plan will be made in the student handbook. It will equally be published in CCE’s staff portal/ staff handbook for the benefit of all staff members and it will also be part of college-wide staff briefing sessions in October and January of each year.
  3. Students can seek advice or enquire from relevant staff trained on Student protection plan. The College will ensure the staff and the lecturers would be involved in the development and changes of SPP. They will be provided with necessary training so that they can communicate with the students in this matter.
  4. CCE will communicate with the student representative who will be provided the necessary information and training.
  5. CCE will communicate any changes to students as early as possible of any changes to the College designation/partnership status. They will be provided with clear information and options.
  6. CCE is committed to offering advice and support regarding any proposed changes of SPP, the triggering of student protection plans or the measures within them. The college will notify of any changes which may affect their studies in a timely manner.
  7. Before we decide to make material changes to the course(s) the students will consulted both collectively and individually. The student representative will be an important member of the teaching and Learning Committee and will be part of decision making in terms of material changes. The student representative will ensure that his views represent all the students. This will be done either by having online feedback from all the students or through a general meeting with all the students.
  8. Once the decision has been made adequate notice period will be given to the students. Before implementation a minimum notice of one month will be given so that the students have enough time to think about it.
  9. If we need to implement the measures in our student protection plan, we will consult and discuss with Student Representative(s) and will do our best to support the students collectively and individually.
  10. We will put in place necessary arrangements to ensure that our students have access to independent advice if we need to implement measures in our student protection plan.
  11. Should the student protection plan need to be triggered, CCE commits to contacting the students at least four months prior to the intended dates of course change/ termination. Advice and support will be offered in the first instance by the members of Teaching and Learning Committee.

Date of next review: May, 2025

Visit Us
Head Office:

16-17 Grand Arcade, Industrial House, London, N12 0EH

Finchley Campus:

Unit 308a, Third Floor, Balfour House, 741 High Road, Finchley N12 0BP